Maze Runner: The W.I.C.K.E.D Reform

Maze Runner: The WICKED Reform Committee is based on the ‘'Maze Runner' movie trilogy, with minor alterations such as the survival of certain characters, and changes to the ending of the movie series. It is set after all former Maze Runners have been released. Alongside WICKED workers and witnesses, all characters are now responsible for determining the future of the company. The Chairs are representatives of the American Government, who have recently discovered the existence of these experiments. Delegates of this committee are responsible for representing each assigned character and defending that character's perspective. Unlike in other committees, Delegates must now aim to convince the Chairs and the delegates from the opposing side that their group's perspective is more valid. By the end of the conference, the Chairs will decide which side was more convincing and issue the final decision. Will WICKED cease to exist or will it receive further investments to develop their research?
Google Classroom Code: gsmheiv
Topic A: Discussing the initiation of human test trials for the Flare’s cure.
Topic B: The trail of all individuals associated with W.I.C.K.E.D.
Study Guide
Head-Chair, Sofia Rodrigues
Hi, delegates!
My name is Sofia Rodrigues and I’ll be serving as the Head Chair for the Maze Runner: The WICKED Reform Committee alongside Charlotte! I’m very excited to be chairing this committee as RioMUN is a special conference to me! If you have any doubts or concerns, feel free to send me an email!
Vice-Chair, Charlotte Marie Uhebe
Hello delegates! My name is Charlotte Marie Uhebe and its a pleasure to be chairing the special committee for this edition of RioMUN! I am currently a sophomore at Escola Americana do Rio de Janeiro and have been on my MUN journey for over a year now! Joining MUN was an unexpected experience in my life that has become close to my heart. Conferences have improved my diplomatic skills and allowed me to learn more within every debate and speech made. MUN has sparked my passion for addressing global issues and collaborating with unique minded people! I hope you all discover more about yourselves and your passions during our upcoming conference and grow your appreciation for MUN and all it stands for. I am eager to meet you all and witness what I am sure will be an admirable group of delegates in action!